In the excitement of getting ready for a big trip out bush, it’s easy to get carried away by the multitude of add-ons and accessories available. Fancy flat roof racks, fancy and expensive accessories for those flat roof racks, shovel holders, snorkels, spotties, UHF radios, drawer systems… Enough to make a 4WDer’s head spin. What to spend that limited budget on?

The answer however, is simple:

  • New tyres
  • New tyres
  • New tyres
  • And more new tyres

When you’re sitting on the side of a rutted dirt track with a road train barreling toward you at 100kph and the spare that you’ve laboriously managed to get off your truck sitting flatly in the dust, you’ll curse yourself (and your passengers will curse you too) if you haven’t adequately equipped yourself with a set of decent rubber.

Yes, there may be 20,000 kms or so left in that set that looks reasonable sitting in an urban driveway; but they won’t cut the mustard when you’re hitting razor sharp flints on some remote track many, many hours away from the nearest friendly servo. One tyre blows, sure, you can handle that – plug it or change it; but what if two, or even three tyres go? And how long is it since you checked that spare anyway? Have you even got all the kit you need to plug or change a tyre? Have you checked your jack recently? Are you going to be towing – are you aware of the extra stress and strain that trailer loaded with camping gear and water is going to put on those old tyres of yours??


It’s as simple as that.

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